
Knowledge Is Power

The state of the economy currently is terrifying. Locally and Globally. Is a change coming for the better, or for the worse?

I had a teacher that once said it was better to be a man with a little bit of knowledge about everything in a world of single item know it alls. One of the most influential things I was ever taught. It enabled me to take risks. To learn. To keep learning. It taught me to question and find answers. Here are a few of the things I have learned about.

We are headed into an economic crisis like that of which people cannot fully comprehend. Well people that are uninformed, You have no excuses now. The state of our world and economy is an illusion based on a fiat currency that is losing its value everyday. How do you collapse an economy? Collapse the currency? Seems like a pretty hard thing to do. Or is it?

If you can control the monetary system, you control the population. Fear is a powerful motivator. Many of you are fearful. “And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span?” I think of this daily as I too am human and fearful. Yet each day God reminds me of my MANY blessings and that He will provide me the tools (knowledge) that I need to provide. I share some thoughts with you.

I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice but rather a recommendation that you take ownership of your life. Take ownership of your knowledge. Take ownership of your mistakes. Take ownership. Use the God given power within you to change your life.

Research will unleash the truth. Research will unleash and spark thought inside of you. Stop reasoning with yourself. Simple truths are exactly that, SIMPLE. Take for instance the $1. If I give you a dollar today, but tomorrow I go print a trillion more of that same dollar, is your $1 still worth ONE or is it losing value? A little research can unlock a lot.

Everything we do from the moment we wake to the moment we rest is easier than 50 years ago, than 20 years ago. So I ask you what has changed? Why does it take more of your FIAT currency to acquire your everyday things and assets? Who controls your money? How much has your $1 lost in purchasing power? Why?

Use the God Given Strength inside of you to change your life. Knowledge is power. Research. Read the Bible.

God bless.

Luke 12


Get In The Boat

God works in ways that we cannot begin to fathom. A glimpse of the miracles he performs daily.

I went to my first Bible study since high school Wednesday night. I am 35. Let’s not get off topic with how young I am. The message from the study was talked on Mark 5 and also the preface to in Mark 4. There are many miracles in this and to this.

The first miracle is the act of me attending Bible study. I like many have stepped off of my path in life and fell victim to sin. To my own choices. Those choices and world events have led to self reflection. The self reflection led to me getting back on the path and walking with Him. This walk has led to my salvation and has hopefully led to using me FOR others obtaining theirs.

Wednesday I attended a bible study for the first time since my youth group in High School. (Read the Bible) Preface to the message with the disciples waking Jesus because they believed they were perishing in a storm. He calmed the storm and immediate questioning of who this man really was began. However many minutes, hours later they arrived upon a shore to which a demon possessed man ran to Jesus proclaiming His Namesake and who He truly is. The statements made by this man and the miracles performed were affirmations to this.

Upon helping the man, the townspeople heard of what Jesus had done (word of mouth) and immediately asked Him to leave. They were afraid of the “disturbance” he would cause in their daily lives, how it would change their day to day routines. Ha. So before he left a few great things happen all at once. He denied the man who was now saved from entering the boat and coming with, but rather encouraged him to go tell his friends and family (his people) of the great things the Lord has done for him and the great mercy/compassion he showed to him. All the while these twelve guys are probably thinking “what did we sign up for?”.

Now here is what I find interesting. These men were brought through a storm of which they surely thought they had zero HOPE. Or as Jesus said, “Why are you fearful, do you still have no faith?”. They were taken through this storm to help a man who KNOWINGLY needed the help of God. Helped the man and then Got Back In The Boat. Let me remind you that Jesus walks on water! He doesn’t need the boat. So why bring these men through this storm? Why not just walk over and help the guy real quick? Answers I do not have but merely speculate on.

So many miraculous things are happening all in one instance. What storm is He currently bringing you through? Do you still have no faith? Now I ask you that to provoke thought and share my affirmation of the other miracle that occurred at Bible study. A prayer being answered. Truly.

I have a prayer written down for a friend in Mark 4 of my Bible. I have not looked back on that prayer until the Bible study took me to that verse. The prayer I have written down I have thought about often but put it aside in the it will happen when He is ready pile. The affirmation of the miracle to me is earlier in the day I received a message from his wife that she had received the gift I sent to him and would make sure that he got it, an hour or so later I received a message from my wife encouraging me to go to the Bible study with her, upon getting to the Bible study we immediately turn to my prayer for my friend. Wild.

This God we serve truly is amazing. He speaks to us daily but we must choose to listen. My message of encouragement and hope to you is He listens to your prayers and requests. Just as he did to the man and the townspeople. Just as He listened to my requests because I asked of him and prayed for it. He does it on His terms however.

I ask you, are you like the man with the “demons” knowing you need the help?Knowing WHO it is that can and will help you should you ask for it. Or, are you like the townspeople who asked Jesus to leave because he would disrupt their habits and ways?

I truly hope this reaches who it needs to. Jesus is the Truth.

God bless.


Courage In Your Trials

“Be of good courage, and be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the Lord do what is good in his sight.” 2 Samuel 10:12 NKJV

How many times have you been persecuted for your beliefs? For your faith? For your family? For your friends?

I ask this question to provoke thought. Thought about the trials you face in comparison to those throughout history and time. Throughout the world. Are they any different other than the personal details or are they similar? Are you similar?

In most all cases that I read and examine (my personal opinion) they are the same. We all face the same trials as we all are now currently facing one of Biblical proportions. Writing this the 22 day of October, 2021. The world as we know it is in a trial. Your Faith is in a trial.

I ask to you, do you have the courage that is empowered to you by God to help others during this trial? Do you have the courage to help yourself? Do you have the courage of a lone Shepherd in the wilderness? Are you going to stand strong and courageous for our people and God? There has never been a more opportune time for the Men of this age to stand up and be the protectors that they are. Be lions!

If not now then when?